Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hi Everyone! I am starting this blog to get a compilation of recipes. If you think you have a good recipe, or just want to share something fun, please let me know. All I need is your email address to add you to my authors! So if you are interested in posting recipes, please just leave a comment with your email address, and I will send you an invitation to blog on this site. I hope we can get some participation from many people (friends and family) to pass our recipes around!

Let me know!

One more thing...Please label your recipe as entree, appetizer, dessert, salad, etc. so if people are looking for certain things it will be easier to find!



Katie said...

I'm in OF COURSE! I'm always drawing a blank when it comes to "what do I want to make for dinner" and think this is a GREAT idea. jensenkatiem@yahoo.com

Cassie said...

I'll try

Laura said...

Alright, so I've been trying to get Cassie to exchange recipes with me for I don't know how long, but she always forgets. She told me to join this (I'm her sister-in-law by the way) so that we could share recipes. So I'd appreciate it if you added me too.